How members make comments

The Secretary of each Circle regularly assembles a Folio. This will typically contain one image from each member. When one is ready, you can comment by following this process:

  1. While logged in, click "My Circles".
  2. Find the row for the relevant circle, and click 'Latest' in the Folios column. (Alternatively, click 'All' and then 'View Folio' for the relevant folio).
  3. You will see the folio information and thumbnails of each entry.
  4. Click a thumbnail to see an overlay with the full image and the information supplied by the member below it. You may need to scroll the overlay.
  5. Select a rating. This will be full marks out of 20 or half marks out of 10, depending on the circle. All the possible ratings are shown to you.
  6. Enter some comments
  7. Click 'Save'.
  8. Click the black and white close button to the top right of the overlay.
  9. Repeat this for each entry. You may not give feedback on your own image.
  10. If you change your mind, you can click on an image again and change any rating or comment.
  11. When you are satisfied with your ratings and comments, you must click the 'Confirm' button at the bottom of the folio screen. This locks your answers and indicates to the Secretary that you are done.
  12. Once all members have confirmed their feedback, or if a deadline is reached, the Circle Secretary will close the folio. The scores will be calculated and the highest scoring member(s) determined. You will then be able to return to the folio and see everyone's comments.