How secretaries manage circles and folios
There is no separate admin area. The Secretary of each Circle will find additional links on relevant pages.
Manage Circle
- From the "My Circles" screen, click 'Manage Circle' for the three main links.
- Click 'Change Folio Settings' to change which rating scale the circle uses, and to set which lines of information are requested. These affect any folios subsequently added.
- Other Circle management facilities may be added later.
Folio Lifecycle
- Click 'Add new folio', for example from the "Manage Circle" page.
- You are first asked some basic questions - the Folio Number and Title, plus Start and Closing Dates.
- If you set a 'Start Date' in the future, it will not be seen by members until that date.
- The 'Closing Date' is shown to members but is not used to automatically close the folio. Think of it as a target.
- Click 'Save'.
- Click 'List Folios', then 'Manage Folio' in the new folio.
- The functionality available on the Manage Folio screen changes with progress.
- Click 'Change Selections'.
- You are now shown the submissions for each member.
- Click a thumbnail to preview that entry.
- Click the submission title or the circle button to select that entry.
- Click 'Save Selections' when you are done.
- You can return to Change Selections until you have released it.
- You are not technically required to make a selection for every member.
- When you are ready for members to see the folio, click 'Release' from the 'Manage Folio' screen.
- All current circle members (regardless of whether they have an image in the folio) are invited to view and comment on folio entries.
- You can keep an eye on the members' actions with the Feedback summary.
- To view the folio as members see it, click 'View Folio'.
- Once all members have completed their feedback, click 'Complete'.
- The ratings are then calculated, and the 'winner' determined.
- The 'View Folio' will then change to show all member feedback.
- The League Table screen will then show the cumulative scores.
Other Points
- It is possible to have more than one folio open for comment at a time, but members are encouraged to use a shortcut to the 'Latest' folio, so it is not recommended.
- If anyone is added as a member of the online circle while the folio is open, they are not automatically entitled to view and comment on existing folios. You can add them to each folio from the Manage Folio screen if you wish.
- You can close a folio before all members have completed feedback by clicking 'Complete Early'. There are currently no restrictions on this, so please act with caution.