How to submit images
Uploading images to the system and submitting images to a Circle are two separate steps. This is to allow the possibility of a user being a member of more than one circle, and to allow a user to upload images before their Circle membership is confirmed.
Upload your image to the System
- First, get your image file ready as a JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg file) that is no larger than 10 Mb in size.
- Log in to this site if you haven't already.
- Go to "Upload Image" from the My Images menu.
- Click 'Choose File', select the image from your computer.
- Click 'Upload', and wait for the next screen to load.
- Your image is now in the system. (If you have trouble, please make sure your filename does not contain any unusual characters).
Submit your image to a Circle
- While logged in, click "My Circles".
- Find the row for the relevant circle, and click 'Submit Photo'.
- Select the image you want to submit by clicking the radio button next to the relevant thumbnail.
- Enter a title for the entry.
- Click 'Next'.
- You are now presented with a form with a series of inputs. If you are familiar with the paper form from post circles, you should find it familiar.
- The questions asked may vary from circle to circle.
- Fill them in as appropriate. You may leave answers blank.
- Note that some information may be pre-filled if we have been able to identify EXIF information, but you can amend this.
- You are also given a longer input for any other relevant information.
- The last input on this screen provides you with the opportunity to add information that will only be seen by the secretary. The secretary can see this when deciding which of your submissions to put into a folio. This input is entirely optional.
- Click 'Submit'.
- Your image is now submitted. You may now submit more images. Most circles allow you to have 3 unused submissions at any one time.
- The Circle Secretary will select an image for each folio. Once an image is selected, it will be removed from your submissions list. You will be able to submit another image in its place.